This is a hilarious story of a young delinquent, Mpostoli. A young spoilt brat who feels like his life is over after his mother’s death; and he terrorizes his grandparents demanding his mother’s inheritance, but they’re unable to support his expensive taste. Bitterness and emotional distress leads Mpostoli to addiction and he has to find creative ways to support his habit, including hooking up his grandfather. This causes an emotional rift between the families and threatens his romance with a beautiful Preacher’s daughter.
This is a hilarious story of a young delinquent, Mpostoli. A young spoilt brat who feels like his life is over after his mother’s death; and he terrorizes his grandparents demanding his mother’s inheritance, but they’re unable to support his expensive taste. Bitterness and emotional distress leads Mpostoli to addiction and he has to find creative ways to support his habit, including hooking up his grandfather. This causes an emotional rift between the families and threatens his romance with a beautiful Preacher’s daughter. Yelelep!! The Madness is unleashsed and lit
Imali - ukatsu ulele eziko, inja ngeendlwaneni yeenkukhu, kwazi uZimu naBezimi bonyana umkami omuhle, engimthamdako ulelephi. Umngana batjho unobangela yimali, lilitje, lilahle, batjho sihlahla sethabo; kodwana mina kuphela kwento enginganayo. Kgani ngenzeni... Iinkomo zikamnakwethu, ngenzeni? Nanyana ibulungelo leemali kghani? The hilarious Maveni is back - with a crisis this time, he needs money urgently to save his ailing marriage. What's he going to do?